Free eBooks
A Mental Health Guide
02 Nov 2023
Guide for those grappling with the crisis in Gaza
Download MuslimSG_Mental_Health_Guide.pdf (39.1 MB)
Resilient Muslims: Safeguarding Against Radicalisation [Tamil]
07 May 2023
Download MSG_Tamil_Booklet.pdf (12.9 MB)
ADIL Free Ramadan Classes 2023
31 Mar 2022
Download ADIL-Free-Ramadan-Class-V3-1.pdf (6.82 MB)
Milestones in your Life Resource Directory (Mosque & Partners)
21 Jan 2021
This Resource Directory is a non-exhaustive compilation of information on programmes available to an individual and his/her family throughout one’s lifespan. These programmes are based on programmes available at Mosques islandwide as well as programmes from MENDAKI and MESRA. It also includes helplines for assistance such as ComCare, Community Development Council (CDC), Family Service Centres (FSCs) and other relevant assistance.
Download Milestones_In_Your_Life_2021.pdf (52.7 MB)
Masyarakat Islam Berdaya Tahan
10 Dec 2020
Berlindung Daripada Radikalisasi
Download Masyarakat_Islam_Berdaya_Tahan.pdf (1.58 MB)
Contemporary Irsyad Series (English)
23 Apr 2020
Part of the objective of Muslim law (maqasid al-Shari'a) is the protection of public from all forms of harm. Anything that leads to harm ought to be prevented. Herein lies our role to be socially responsible as we face the COVID-19 outbreak.
Download CIS_Ramadan_-_English.pdf (4.74 MB)
Siri Irsyad Kontemporari (Malay)
23 Apr 2020
Menjaga keselamatan awam dari bahaya yang mengancam kehidupan merupakan sebahagian dari tujuan utama (Maqasid Syariah) Islam. Sebarang perkara yang boleh membawa kepada kerosakan mesti dicegah dan dibendung. Di sinilah peranan kita sebagai warganegara Singapura untuk menjalankan tanggungjawab sosial agar penularan virus COVID-19 dapat dikawal dengan baik.
Download CIS_Ramadan_-_Malay.pdf (4.66 MB)
Siri Irsyad Kontemporari
15 Jul 2019
Download SIRI_IRSYAD_Kontemporari.pdf (9.64 MB)
Resilient Muslims: Safeguarding Against Radicalisation
14 Oct 2019
Download _Resilient_Muslims_-_Safeguarding_Against_Radicalisation.pdf (5.54 MB)
Fatwa Purchasing Property
24 Jun 2019
Download Fatwa-Purchasing-Property.pdf (9.5 MB)
Contemporary Irsyad Series
24 Jun 2019
Download 230120_CIS_EL.pdf (8.19 MB)