Q&A Religious Enquiries How can a Muslim best respond to acts of oppression and persecution against the Muslim population in other countries?

How can a Muslim best respond to acts of oppression and persecution against the Muslim population in other countries?

Number: 12
Publication: 2019-10-06
Praise be to Allah s.w.t.

A Muslim should respond to this by showing sympathy and support for the oppressed Muslim communities. However, we should observe the following:

a. It should be done by taking into consideration the realities of one's position.

b. It should be carried out according to the laws where one resides.

c. It should take into account one's capabilities and current priorities.

Among the things that can be done are:

a. Offer prayers of peace and restoration of calm to the societies involved.

b. Offer financial assistance through trusted organisations that channel aid to humanitarian missions.

c. Always stay informed about their problems through trusted news sources.

d. Raise awareness of all parties involved regarding the oppression by disseminating accurate information about them.

e. Participate in humanitarian relief missions organized by trusted and recognized agencies.

However, it is important to note that Islam calls for struggle against all forms of oppression on earth, regardless of whether if affects Muslims or others.

Allah knows best.

Source: Adapted from a booklet by Ustaz Muhammad Haniff Hassan & Ustaz Mohamed bin Ali titled 'Questions and Answers on Jihad' published in 2007