How to Pay Zakat: A Guide to Fulfil Your Zakat

For many, Ramadan is almost synonymous with giving but let us also not forget our duty to fulfil our Zakat obligation, so together, we can seek Allah’s blessings and uplift our community.
by Zakat.SG 2022-04-16 • 7 min read
A one-stop portal on all things Zakat in Singapore
2022-04-16 • 7 min read

How to pay Zakat in Singapore

Fulfilling Zakat via the Zakat Singapore website,

Alhamdulillah, with Allah’s generosity, we welcome yet another Ramadan. From prayers, zikir, supplications and charity to Zakat, it is a month where we race to do as many good deeds and ibadah as possible to gain Allah’s favour.

Amr ibn Murrah Al Juhaanee (may Allah be pleased with him) said:

A man came to the Prophet and said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, what if I testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that you are the Messenger of Allah, and I observe the five daily prayers, and I pay Zakat, and I fast and stand in prayer in Ramadan, then amongst whom shall I be?’ He said: ‘Amongst the true followers of the prophets and the martyrs.’” 
(Ibn Hibbaan)

Zakat in Ramadan

One of the most important acts in Ramadan is the fulfilment of our Zakat obligation. Apart from Zakat Fitrah, many Muslims also choose to fulfil their Zakat Harta (on wealth) in advance in Ramadan because of the month’s blessings. As narrated in the hadith below, fulfiling Zakat Harta in advance in Ramadan is accepted.

"It was narrated from Ali that Al-Abbas asked Rasulullah s.a.w about paying his Zakat (on wealth) before it was due, and he allowed him to do that."

Conditions & Requirements to Fulfil Zakat

Do I need to fulfil Zakat? How do I know if I need to fulfil Zakat?  We know these questions may be running through your mind.

Firstly, there are two categories of Zakat: 1) Zakat Fitrah which is payable only in Ramadan, and 2) Zakat Harta (on Wealth) which is liable on one’s wealth.

Zakat Fitrah & Zakat Harta Conditions

To view the Nisab value, visit or follow Zakat Singapore on Facebook & Instagram for monthly updates.

Meet the conditions above? Then it’s time to fulfil your Zakat! ➡️

Who do I Give my Zakat to?

We know that the options on who to give Zakat to may seem endless, be it relatives, acquaintances, or local and overseas organisations. However, Zakat must be distributed to the eight Asnaf (beneficiaries) as stipulated in the Quran:

"Zakat is for the poor and the needy, the amil (those employed to administer Zakat funds), and the muallaf (those who have embraced Islam), for those in bondage and in debt, for those who strive in the cause of Allah and for the wayfarer; (it is thus) ordained by Allah and Allah is All-Knowing and Wise."
(Surah At-Taubah, 9:60)

In the context of the school of Jurisprudence of Shafi'i, it is obligatory to give Zakat to all eight Asnaf in your home country, as long as they still exist there.

In Singapore, under the Administration of the Muslim Law Act (AMLA), Muis is the authorised body responsible for the maslahat (public interest) of the Muslim community, including the Zakat system.

Muis appoints and authorises amils (Zakat collection centres) including mosques each year. These "Authorised Zakat Collection Centres" are the only ones under Muis' governance and purview. Zakat that is contributed via these centres, Zakat Singapore and Muis are also income-deductible under the Income Tax Act. View the list of Authorised Zakat Collection Centres here.

Most importantly, Muis disburses Zakat funds collected to all eight Asnaf in accordance with Syariah. Details on Muis Zakat disbursement can be found in Muis’ annual reports which are available on (the 2021 annual report will only be available in June 2022).

Thus, it is encouraged for the Singapore Muslim community to fulfil your Zakat via these Authorised Zakat Collection Centres or Zakat Singapore. 

Fulfilling Your Zakat Digitally

To avoid long queues and waiting, it is highly encouraged for the Muslim public to fulfil their Zakat digitally. Check out the list of digital/remote payment modes below. There are two new Zakat contribution methods this year — AXS m-Station & AXS e-Station — for your greater convenience!

Zakat payment methods

*Credit Cards are NOT accepted across all platforms
*For video tutorials and a step-by-step breakdown, visit

*Must Read!* 

  • To tabulate your Zakat, use the online calculators on or should you need any clarification, contact us via [email protected] or 6359 1199
  • Choose if you want to include your Zakat contribution under the IRAS auto-inclusion scheme for income deduction for your income tax
  • Fill in your full details (e.g., name, NRIC, address) where required — especially for contributors who opt for IRAS inclusion
  • Disable your pop-up blocker to ensure that your payment transaction goes through
  • Your Zakat payment transaction is valid if the deduction in your bank/payment platform is confirmed. For contributions via, check your email (and junk folder) for your receipt upon payment completion

✨May Allah s.w.t bless you for your Zakat and efforts (to learn and contribute)✨ Amin!

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