Nurturing Faith and Islamic Knowledge Starts from Young

Just as we teach children essential life skills, values, and manners, it is equally important to provide them with a foundation of faith and spirituality.
by Ustazah Siti Nur Syahidah Amirruddin 2023-10-24 • 7 min read
An undergraduate in the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) studying Fiqh and Usul Fiqh, Ustazah Syahidah also spent time interning in the Youth and Community Education Strategic Unit in Muis.
2023-10-24 • 7 min read


5 Ways How can we nurture Islamic Values and Knowledge in Children?

Nurturing a child's faith from a young age is a precious and meaningful journey that can have a lasting impact on their spiritual and moral development. Just as we teach children essential life skills, values, and manners, it is equally important to provide them with a foundation of faith and spirituality. 

We will explore the significance of nurturing kids' faith at a young age and share 5 practical tips and insights to help parents and caregivers embark on this spiritual journey in this article.


1. Lead by Example

Children are highly observant and often imitate the behaviours of those around them, particularly adults such as parents, caregivers, and teachers. When parents model positive behaviours and values, such as honesty, kindness, and respect, children are more likely to adopt these behaviours and values themselves. This is particularly important when it comes to faith, as children often look to their parents as role models for religious beliefs and practices. By demonstrating a strong and consistent faith, parents can help their children develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of their own faith. Additionally, leading by example can help children see the relevance and practical application of their faith in everyday life, which can strengthen their commitment to their beliefs.


2. Create a Positive Faith Environment

Fostering a positive faith environment is important to nurture kids' faith because it can help children feel safe, supported, and encouraged in their religious beliefs and practices. This can be done by encouraging them to ask questions and discuss about faith. Children are naturally curious, and their faith journey should be no exception. Encourage your child to express their thoughts, doubts, and curiosity about religion. Once they are comfortable to ask, be patient and be open to their inquiries, and if you don't have all the answers, explore together, or seek guidance from religious leaders. Additionally, when children are surrounded by positive role models, they are more likely to develop a strong and lasting faith. A positive faith environment can also provide children with opportunities to learn about their faith in a fun and engaging way, through activities such as storytelling, music, and art. 


3. Visit Mosques Together

Visiting the mosque as a family can be a powerful way to nurture your child's faith. It provides them with a sense of belonging to the mosques and exposes them to religious rituals and practices. Mosques are designed to create a serene and spiritual atmosphere. The architecture, decor, and layout of a mosque often facilitate a sense of awe and reverence, which can inspire a deeper connection with faith. Furthermore, mosques are community hubs for Muslims. When you visit a mosque, you can interact with fellow believers, engage in communal prayers, and share experiences. This sense of belonging to a larger faith community can strengthen both your child and your faith. 



4. Introduce Religious Stories and Symbols

Prophetic stories and symbols are effective tools for teaching kids about faith. They can capture a child's imagination and convey important moral and spiritual lessons. Religious stories can help to simplify complex religious concepts and teachings in a way that is accessible and engaging. These stories can also help children develop a sense of empathy and compassion, as they learn about the experiences and struggles of the prophets, companions as well as the great scholars. These stories can help children feel connected to Islam and provide a sense of identity and belonging. Additionally, introducing religious stories and symbols can help children develop a sense of awe and wonder about the world around them, as they learn about the mysteries and miracles of their faith. 


5. Be Patient and Respectful

Every child's faith journey is unique and may evolve over time. As a young child in this era, there are many distractions and doubts that these young souls need to deal with. As parents and guardians, it is important for you to be patient, understanding and supportive during this process of your child's journey by giving them the freedom to develop their faith at their own pace. You should model patience and understanding, and provide children with opportunities to explore and ask questions about their faith in a safe environment.


Nurturing kids' faith at a young age is a profound and rewarding endeavour. It involves leading by example, creating a supportive environment, and fostering open communication. By instilling faith, values, and spirituality in children, we help them develop a strong moral compass and a deeper understanding of their purpose as a khalifah. 

Remember, the path to success begins with that first step. Let the learning begin!

Embark on an exciting educational adventure with your family by registering  for aLIVE Academic Year 2024 and ADIL Year End free classes today! Registration for the aLIVE Mosque Madrasah for academic year 2024 has also opened. You can register and view classes for adults and children on

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May Allah s.w.t. bless our journeys in seeking beneficial knowledge for ourselves and our children, ameen!
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