So Easy to Donate? Here are 3 Simple Steps to Donate to Mosques during this Limited Opening Period

Still can gain pahala from home.
by Muslim.Sg 2020-07-02 • 2 min read
Muslim.Sg is a one-stop online media platform that aims to inspire and empower millennial Muslims with powerful and engaging Islamic religious content.
2020-07-02 • 2 min read


If you have not heard, just before Ramadan this year, a crowdfunding initiative supported by Muis was set up to help #saveourmosques.  

Due to mosques closure during the Circuit Breaker (CB) Period, while costs for operations and higher frequency of cleaning continue to increase, mosques are unable to collect as much donations as before. Having closed for over 3 months since 13 Mar 2020, many mosques, big and small, suffer losses in public donations.  

Mosques currently undergoing upgrading such as Bencoolen and Khalid have it worse. 

Alhamdulillah, came the initiative to save our mosques. This initiative seeks public donation via online methods to fund our mosques. You may choose to donate to a specific mosque or to all mosques in general. 

Here’s how you can donate: 

1. Visit the website: and click on the DONATE page 

donate mosque muis 

2. Choose donation method

mosque donation paynow nets giro

3. Complete transaction 

According to which method of payment you choose, complete the transaction following the steps on screen. 

You may also make recurring donations via credit card donations! 

Mosque donation Singapore credit card 

Check out and continue to gain pahala from the comfort of your home (or workplace if you’re an essential worker). May Allah accept our deeds and grant rewards for our contributions, insyaAllah. 



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