Allah Knows You Are Tired | Exhaustion | Islamic Podcast | Tune Islam EP 5

by Muslim.Sg 2023-06-08 • 2 min read
Muslim.Sg is a one-stop online media platform that aims to inspire and empower millennial Muslims with powerful and engaging Islamic religious content.
2023-06-08 • 2 min read

You’re tired. You’ve exhausted everything.😔

But Allah knows you best. He knows why you need to go through this.

Let’s look at tiredness from a new perspective! Learn to use our spiritual relationship with Allah to be our biggest source of energy in times when we’re so tired. And understand how to achieve ‘proper rest’!

Featuring Ustazah Hidayah Azman and our host, Azzah Fariha.

02:19 - How many hours of sleep do you get in a day?
04:56 - It's okay to feel tired. There's purpose in experiencing tiredness and fatigue. What is the reward for our struggles?
07:52 - As a mother, I tend to miss solat after putting my children to sleep at night. How do we avoid that from happening, Ustazah?
15:05 - Is tiredness a valid reason to use the conveniences allowed for our religious obligations or prayers?
17:19 - What does it meant to take proper rest?
21:30 - As the use of social media is becoming more addictive, how do we manage it so that it does not interfere with the rest that we need?
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