Story of The Quran | Our Ramadan Journey

by Muslim.Sg 2020-05-11 • 1 min read
Muslim.Sg is a one-stop online media platform that aims to inspire and empower millennial Muslims with powerful and engaging Islamic religious content.
2020-05-11 • 1 min read

What is the Quran? Ramadan is the month of Quran. The Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad s.a.w for us to seek knowledge, reflect and ponder upon it.

In this episode, we revisit the fundamental understanding of Quran through reflecting on its history, the significance of the word Iqra' and how Quran speaks to humanity. Pur Ustaz and Ustazah also shared the etiquettes in reciting the Quran, merits and virtues of teaching Quran to others.

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