Understanding the ‘Art of Tawakkal’ in this pandemic

This allows us to appreciate the hikmah behind our new normal such as distancing ourselves in jemaah prayers and praying Friday prayers before zawal
by Muslim.Sg 2021-03-29 • 4 min read
Muslim.Sg is a one-stop online media platform that aims to inspire and empower millennial Muslims with powerful and engaging Islamic religious content.
2021-03-29 • 4 min read

 The past one year has disrupted our life in many ways than we could have ever imagined. Changes and adaptations to the things we do now are also becoming part and parcel of our daily efforts to combat this current pandemic.


Covid-19 Affected our Ibadah

Our ibadah too has not been spared from undergoing similar changes and adaptations. We now have to book for limited spaces available for our prayers at the mosques. We distance ourselves from one another in saf. We hold multiple Friday prayer sessions to allow as many of our brothers as possible within the limited zones. We even start our Friday prayers earlier than Zohor – or before zawal – to cater to our working brothers and allow enough time for proper cleaning to be done in between sessions.



And of course, praying with our faces covered with a facemask to keep ourselves and our community safe.


All these are adaptations to our ibadah that not even our parents,  grandparents, or great-grandparents had ever witnessed before. Hence it is definitely not easy for us to appreciate, or for some, accept these radical changes.


Making Sense of Changes

So how then do we deal with these changes? How do we understand the hikmah of not just these shifts and adaptations, but also this prolonged pandemic? When will it all get better?



To make sense of these disruptions we are facing, we must first understand the concept of ‘Tawakkal’ and surrendering to Allah s.w.t.


But what exactly is ‘Tawakkal’? How does it apply in the current pandemic situation and trying times?


The Art of Tawakkal

Join us this Ramadan as we kickstart the first of our annual ADIL Knowledge Retreat (AKR) series this year, with enriching discussions by Ustaz Mizi Wahid and Ustazah Nadia Hanim on the concept of ‘Tawakkal’.



Some of the discussions will revolve around:

1. Appreciating the correct understanding of ‘Tawakkal’ and ways to practice it in our daily life;

2. Lessons from the Al-Quran and the Prophets on ‘Tawakkal’;

3. Addressing misconceptions related to the concept of Tawakkal within Islam; and

4. Applying the proper concept of ‘Tawakkal’ in the current pandemic situation and trying times (e.g. Safe Management Measures, Vaccination, etc.)


Join the ADIL Knowledge Retreat online via Zoom this 12 Ramadan 1442H or 24 April 2021, 11 am and listen to esteemed asatizah as they introduce and discuss on ‘Tawakkal’. Towards the end of the 2-hour session, participants may drop in their questions online once the floor (or ‘screen’) is open to them.


We hope you leave the session with a deeper understanding and knowledge to manoeuvre through this pandemic as better Muslims. InsyaAllah.


Hurry, get your tickets today! 🙂



*Each ticket costs $5 and admits one person. All proceeds from sales of tickets will be channelled to Wakaf Ilmu to support our aLIVE programme and local full-time madrasahs. 

All COVID-19 Asnaf Inspiring Muslims Dua Faith Family Ramadan Halal Malay Wakaf Addressing Misconceptions Travel-new
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