03. Will Allah Forgive Me?

by Muslim.Sg 2021-12-28 • 1 min read
Muslim.Sg is a one-stop online media platform that aims to inspire and empower millennial Muslims with powerful and engaging Islamic religious content.
2021-12-28 • 1 min read

In our journey of repentance, we might wonder, will Allah ever forgive the sins that we have done?  

No one has a guaranteed answer to this.  But it's indeed a question that invites us to reflect on ourselves. How much effort have we put in to stop from repeating our sins? How much do we trust Allah who is All-Forgiving (Al-Ghaffar) and who witnesses our struggles and listens to our prayers?

In this episode, Ustaz Luqman Hakim and Ustazah Marhamah Senewi share with us the meaning of Taubah (Repentance), how do we perform Taubah and how do we know if our Taubah is accepted by Allah. 

Tune Islam is on Spotify and Google podcast. Follow us for new episodes!

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